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Unsolicited Calls

Why Are You Receiving Unsolicited Calls and Messages?

Here’s what you need to know about “trigger calls” and how to stop them. 

Have you ever applied for credit and shortly after gotten an unsolicited call, email or text from a business you weren’t familiar with? If so, you’re not alone. There’s a reason this happens – and no, it is not us selling your information.


Here’s what actually takes place:

  • When you apply for credit with Community Bank of Parkersburg, we pull a copy of your credit report because you have given us permission to do so through your loan application.  
  • The type of report we pull depends on the type of credit (e.g., home loan, vehicle, personal, credit card, etc.) you’re applying for.
  • This inquiry triggers a notification to the credit bureaus (Equifax®, Experian®, TransUnion®, and Innovis®) that you are seeking new credit.
  • The bureaus then sell this information (credit type and your contact information) to mortgage or credit companies.
  • This is called a credit report “trigger lead.”


Why do companies buy trigger leads?

They do this to identify potential customers looking for certain types of credit in order to get your business. Sometimes, the wording these companies use in their communication can be misleading. It can confuse borrowers as to who exactly they are communicating with.   

NOTE: It’s important to remember these ARE NOT messages from us (your current lender), but from companies trying to win your business.


How does this impact you?

If you’re in the market for financing, particularly a home loan, this may be something you experience as trigger leads are becoming more and more common in mortgages. We’re hearing that some of our customers are getting calls as soon as 20 minutes after their credit is pulled.


Is it legal? Yes – for now.

Under the Fair Credit Report Act, trigger leads are fair game. However, legislation has been created that, if passed, would thwart this practice. Click here to learn more about the “Trigger Leads Abatement Act of 2023.”

Remember, we (your bank) are not the one selling your information – and unfortunately, we cannot prevent the credit bureaus from selling it. Changing or omitting your contact information in your loan application prior to credit being pulled will not stop the trigger leads.


Is there a way to stop them?

Yes! is the office Consumer Credit Reporting Industry website to accept and process requests to opt-in or opt-out of credit or insurance offers.

NOTE: It can take up to five days to process an online request. If you apply for credit before or during the opt-out process, you may still receive calls and messages.


Questions or concerns?

If you have further inquiries or would like more information, our bankers are happy to talk to you. For more information regarding the opt-out process, visit



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